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Puyallup Esthetician and Lash Artist

Aftercare + Retention

What you need to know about caring for your investment

I just bought myself some beautiful lashes... now what?

Enjoy them, and let them be for the first day!

Allow the adhesive to do it's job + completely cure to 100%. Don't excessively comb or touch your lashes!

Ongoing Aftercare

Cleanse your lashes every single day, 1-2 times with an extension safe cleanser and soft bristle brush. Rinse, blot dry and softly comb with a spoolie. You can also blow dry them on a cool setting.


Use oil-free makeup remover.


Pay special attention to your lash line when removing makeup.

Brush lashes twice daily to keep them in order, but don't over do it.

Try to sleep on your back or side, with your lashes off the pillow.

Make sure you schedule your fill appointment every 2-3 weeks.

Never attempt to remove your lash extensions - they must be professionally removed, and I will do so free of charge!

Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare

Don't tan or spray tan within the first 72 hours after your application.​

Don't use mascara on your lashes ​

Don't perm curl your lashes​

Don't pull or tug on your lashes or rub your eyes

Avoid saunas and hot steam (including facials) for the first 48 hours

Avoid getting your lashes wet within the first 24-48 hours

Do not use eyeliner pencils - use an oil-free felt tip only

Do not use cotton balls or pads with loose fibers that can catch on your lash extensions.

Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Puyallup Esthetician and Lash Artist

Remove any excess makeup around the eye using an oil-free makeup remover

Grab your favorite lash extension cleanser and a fluffy eyeshadow brush ​

Squeeze one pump of your cleanser onto the brush.​

Swirl the brush across your eyelid, natural lash base  and lower lid. *If you notice the foam dissolving quickly add another pump of cleanser 

Rinse the eye with cold/warm water. 

Repeat on the opposite eye.​

Once DRY brush lashes into place.​

Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare
Lash Extension Aftercare

How to cleanse your lashes

Puyallup Esthetician and Lash Artist

Have questions? Read our FAQ's!

  1. Natural lash shedding
  2. Wearing mascara / waterproof makeup
  3. Oily skin or overly active oil glands
  4. Picking or rubbing the extensions
  5. Sleeping styles
  6. Not caring for the lashes properly
  7. Using the wrong skincare products 
  8. Lash stimulators
  9. Medications / vitamins
  10. Getting them wet too soon
Let's talk retention

10 reasons your lashes could be falling out

Puyallup Esthetician and Lash Artist
Puyallup Esthetician and Lash Artist
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